Hyper-Realistic Tourniquet Trainer By Brian McLaughlin | April 21, 2023 | 0 This is called the Tourniquet Task Trainer Arm and is produced and sold by the company TacMed Solutions, the same company that produces the highly regarded SOF Tourniquet, which can be purchased here: TacMed SOF® TOURNIQUET Mountain Man Medical does not sell this TQ Trainer. It can be Purchased Here: Tourniquet Task Trainer Arm Medical 21 views You may also like 00:00:51 Top 6 Trauma Kit Essential Items #survival #life #firstaid #skills #doctor #lifestyle #work #play 19 views Medical 00:00:31 Control Bleeding and Pack Wounds #survival #health #skills #life #scary #sketch 18 views Medical 00:00:25 The Two Best Blood Clotting Gauzes #life #doctor #survival #outdoors #lifestyle #education #edc 18 views Medical 00:00:26 Essential: Trauma Kit Addition #life #survival #Skills #medical #work #lifestyle #outdoors 11 views Medical 00:00:34 Essentials for Your Trauma Kit: #survival #life #lifestyle #medical #skills #training #mountains 10 views Medical 00:00:22 A Better Medic #life #lifeskills #skills #trend #medical #doctor #grace #mindset 9 views Medical 00:01:00 The Best Best Battle Dressing #life #doctor #skills #train #top #trending #trend 18 views Medical 00:00:19 The Easiest Way to Get the SWAT #life #doctor #skills #training #education #survival #trend 8 views Medical 00:00:27 Top 3 Tourniquets #Survival #Gear #lifehacks #doctor #skills #training #education #survival #trend 17 views Medical 00:00:58 Tourniquet: How Long Before Amputation? #life #doctor #skills #training #education #survival #trend 10 views Medical «1…34567…32»Page 5 of 32