The Yellowstone – Best IFAK of 2024 by Survival Stoic

Our team is excited and proud to announce that The Yellowstone Kit has been named the Best IFAK by the team at SurvivalStoic.

SurvivalStoic is an online resource and blog to help people be prepared for the worst, Defend themselves, and survive anything that life can throw at you. The founder of the website lived through a tornado in 2020 that killed 25 people and injured over 300. He created to help people be more prepared not just for natural disasters but all of the challenges of life.

In their 2024 Best IFAK comparison article our Yellowstone Trauma kit was put up against kits from several good companies including Dark Angel Medical and MyMedic but ultimately took the #1 seat.

The “Yellowstone” Trauma Kit by Mountain Man Medical is easily the best IFAK on the market. Most importantly, it comes with all the primary components I need to treat trauma: a tourniquet, homeostatic gauze, and chest seals. Plus, it also comes with some very helpful extras – like compression bandages, small shears, and gloves.

In addition to including all the most important gear The Yellowstone was chosen because of its affordability as the lowest price option on the market that includes all the important components and of course as customers of Mountain Man Medical know; those critical components and proven and tested name-brand components.


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We are very proud of The Yellowstone which continues to be our best seller and is ideal for most American Adults as a trauma kit. It is noteworthy that The Yellowstone does NOT contain traditional first aid items such as bandaids or aspirin. This kit is for Trauma only!

If you haven't yet picked up our own Yellowstone click here now!

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