Emergency Trauma Response
In 2020 Mountain Man Medical teamed up with ConcealedCarry.com to build out a video training course entitled "Emergency Trauma Response." This 100% FREE video-based course can be viewed online from any internet-connected device and is a comprehensive training program for any civilian who wishes to be prepared for trauma-based medical emergencies.
Cost: $0.00
Range Medicine
Mountain Man Medical is proud to present "Range Medicine" a video-based training course for firearm instructors, range safety officers, range medics, and anyone who wants to be better prepared for medical emergencies on the range. Filmed in 2022 in partnership with Tactical Medical Solutions, this training program features Dennis Lyons and Brian McLaughlin, both with military combat experience as medics.
Cost: $19.99
Mountain Man Medical also attends many Industry Trade Shows, puts on classes, and provides training at various conferences and events each year.
Stop The Bleed
Stop The Bleed is an initiative of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and offers a simple but quality training course available from hundreds of instructors nationwide. The course generally runs 60-90 minutes and is offered at no-cost. While a good starting point we encourage all to go above and beyond this introductory training course!