Posts Tagged ‘IFAK’
The 7 Essentials of Police Medical Gear
What Goes Into a Police Medical Kit? Cops have a hard job. Not only are they concerned for the safety of everyone around them, but their own safety is…
Read MoreCan You Fly With a Trauma Kit?
I travel often all around the US in a variety of ways and flying is always a hassle for people like me who like to be prepared. I can’t…
Read MoreIFAK Vs. Trauma Kit Vs. First Aid Kit: What’s the difference?
Medical terms and slang are thrown around and using the right one can be a bit of a challenge if you aren’t familiar with the medical world. How are Trauma…
Read More7 Essentials for Building a Combat Ready IFAK
An IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) is the personal medical kit issued to each of Americas warriors. Every deployed Marine, Soldier, Airman, and Sailor has their own kit for taking…
Read MoreWhat is Trauma Medicine M.A.R.C.H. and How Does It Work?
The Term “MARCH” gets thrown around a lot, so in this article I’ll go over what it is, and how to use it effectively to come out on top when…
Read More4 Ways to Tell If Someone Is Bleeding to Death
First things First! The very first thing you should do if you think a person might be in danger of bleeding to death is to call 911 as soon as…
Read More3 Most Common Hunting Injuries
Hunting in the back country of the Colorado Rockies is tough, even for the most experienced hunters and people come from all over the world just to test themselves here.…
Read MoreEmergency Trauma: Where Do You Even Start?
One of the hardest things about trauma medicine is knowing where to begin. If you aren’t somebody who uses these skills on the regular, like an EMT or Paramedic, then…
Read MoreMountain Man Medical Talks Moose Safety
Shortly after high school, I took my wife’s family out for a short summer camping trip to one of Colorado’s national forests. It was just me, an overconfident 19-year-old, my…
Read More4 Ways to Carry and Stage Your Tourniquet
The quick and timely application of a tourniquet has saved many lives and all good medics ensure their gear is ready to go. Cutting down on steps and thinking ahead…
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