One Move Stops Bleeding #trauma #traumakit #IFAK #Medical #Survival #skills #doc #Medic #doctor By Brian McLaughlin | March 2, 2024 | 0 With no trauma kit there is still something you can do to help someone who is bleeding severely. Direct pressure, meaning pressure right over the wound could stop, or slow the bleeding until help arrives. Learn More at Medical 5 views You may also like 00:00:18 Direct Pressure To Stop The Bleed 26 views Medical 00:00:39 What would you add? #survival #education #learning #health #lifestyle #life #review #science #skills 20 views Medical 00:07:02 Medic Talks QuikClot Vs. Chito Gauze 57 views Medical 00:00:37 QuikClot vs Chitogauze #education #learning #skills #health #life #lifestyle #medical #healthcare 20 views Medical 00:00:36 IFAK Deconstruction #life #skills #learning #education #howto #health #lifestyle #science #summer 26 views Medical 00:01:00 Wrong Answers Only #skills #health #life #war #science #howto #lifestyle #How #learning #education 13 views Medical 00:00:13 Wrong Answers Only #skills #health #life #war #science #howto #lifestyle #How #learning #education 9 views Medical 00:00:28 Change my mind… #survival #skills #learning #help #safety #howto #life #health #war #science #summer 18 views Medical 00:00:20 Mars the Medical Malinois #dog #pets #puppy #life #health #summer 13 views Medical 00:01:23 Better for Saving Lives?? 21 views Medical 123…32»Page 1 of 32